24/7 PRAYER FOR JAPAN 日本のための祈りをつなげよう

Prayer Guide – Week 02 (Sep 16-22)

Posted on September 14, 2024
This week as we pray revival prayer for Japan we ask you to pray 6 key prayer issues facing the church in Japan:

For leaders in their respective fields

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
1 Timothy 2:1-2

(1) For the leaders of the Christian church

  • For the leaders of the Christian church, that they may receive visions from the Lord and do the will of God.
  • For the leaders of the Christian churches to receive visions from the Lord and do His will.
  • That the walls between families, congregations, community members, and pastors of other churches will be broken down and the love of the Lord will flow.
  • That we would be protected from all temptations and attacks, and that we would confess our hope in the Lord and stand firm.

(2) For the leaders of families

  • Pray for restoration from the Lord in dysfunctional families.
  • Pray that one person in the family will be saved first, and that salvation will spread from there.
  • Pray that the parents, the leaders of the family, will govern the family by the Lord's love, not by controlling it by force.

(3) For leaders of businesses and various organizations

  • Pray that those in leadership positions will come to salvation in Christ and lead their organizations with the values of the Kingdom of God.
  • That they will use the influence they have been given according to God's will.
  • That they will be blessed financially and that the wealth they have been given will be used appropriately to show the glory of the Lord.

(4) For the leaders of national and local governments

  • Many corrupt and distorted structures have been brought to the surface and are in the process of being reformed. Please pray that appropriate leaders who follow the Lord's will will be raised.
  • The negative legacy of the past has made it difficult for anyone to take the leadership. Through the prayers of Christians, may the hearts of the leaders be supported and the country be guided in the right direction.
  • Pray that the country will be led in the right direction through the prayers of Christians, and that the leaders will be supported in their hearts and minds.
  • Pray for the salvation of the councilors and leaders, and that they will be able to bear witness to the Lord.
May the Lord strengthen your heart and make you a blessing to Japan and all nations through prayer.

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