Many in Tokyo work very long hours that prevent those working to have enough time with their families. It also limits interactions with friends who could share Jesus with them. Pray for the hearts of people to change so that there is greater balance of work and social interactions. Pray that they will have time to encounter God.
There are so many people and gospel needs in Tokyo- not enough churches or Christian workers. Pray for God’s leading for Christian workers and churches to know how to focus their limited time and energy. Pray that all believers will contribute in building up the body of Christ.
Pray for greater networking among churches and mission organizations in Tokyo.
Strong pressure to conform can cause converts to Christ to compromise or fall away. Pray for believers to be strong.
There are about 8,000 Protestant churches in Japan. About 1,000 of them do not have a pastor, and most churches have aging congregations.
The current number of churches equals out to about one church for every 16,000 people in Japan. It’s estimated that more than 50,000 churches are needed to truly reach every community.
There is a need for renewed worship, fellowship, and outreach in many existing churches. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s life-giving ministry. May church members seek and love God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength. May churches receive from God all that they ask for in Jesus’ name!
Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead church planters to specific areas in Japan that need a church. Pray for God to provide the people, vision, faith, and resources necessary for new churches.
It is said that there are 8 million gods in Japan. There are statues, festivals, shrines, and temples dedicated to specific gods. There are also the invisible gods in our hearts – gods of money, power, success, and more. There are also things we turn to, to “save” us when we’re not doing well – alcohol, TV, shopping, and more.
Let us proclaim that Jesus is the only Savior. Let’s turn from other gods and saviors, and pray this for Japan as well. Let’s lift up the name of Jesus as the only God who deserves the place of worship in our hearts and in the hearts of Japanese people, and the only Savior to turn to in times of need.
The couple is the source of blessings for the family. The family is the key to the blessing of the community. Let us pray for the blessing of married couples. The number of divorces in 2020 was about 193,000 couples. (According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) The divorce rate is decreasing, but we need to cover it with prayer.
By installing a smartphone app called Echo, you will be able to use various functions that help you pray, such as reminder notifications.